Page 12 - INTERCARGO - Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2022
P. 12

Analysis of total losses

                                   for 2012 to 2021

                                  27 bulk carriers over 10,000 dwt have been identified as
                                   lost, or on average four ships per year.
                                   92 crewmembers have lost their lives as consequence, or
                                   on average nine lives lost per year.

                                  The average age of the bulk carriers lost was 19.6 years.
                                  Vessels amounting to a total of 2.30 million dwt have been
                                   lost, which amounts to an average 230,000 dwt per year.

                                   Losses by cause

            Reported cause       Losses of life       Losses of ships     Likely root cause     Losses of ships
          Cargo liquefaction           70                   5            Cargo liquefaction           5
              Cargo shift              0                    1                 Unknown                 1
                                                                           Human element              1
            Fire/explosion             0                    2
                                                                              Unknown                 1
                                                                             Structural               1
               Flooding                22                   3
                                                                              Unknown                 2
                                                                           Human element              10
               Grounding               0                    13               Navigation               2
                                                                              Weather                 1
              Structural               0                    1                 Unknown                 1
                Weather                0                    1                 Unknown                 1
               Unknown                 0                    1                 Unknown                 1
                TOTAL                  92                   27                                        27

                                   •  Cargo shift and liquefaction remain the greatest contributors to loss
                                       of life, and groundings remain the greatest cause of ship losses.
                                   •  Significant loss of life has been attributed to cargo liquefaction,

                                       with the five casualties (18.5% of the total) resulting in the high-
                                       est loss of 70 lives or 76.1% of the total loss of life in the past ten
                                   •  The  most  common  reported  cause  of  ship  losses  has  been

                                       grounding, with 13 losses or 48.1 % of total losses.
                                   •   Three casualties (11.1% of the total) were due to flooding and cost
                                       22 lives, or a significant 23.9% of total lives lost.
                                   •  The average life loss per ship casualty was 3.41 during the ten-year pe-

                                       riod between 2012 and 2021, compared to 3.56 during 2011 and 2020.
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