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Outcome of LEG 103

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Outcome of MSC 96

Between the 11th and 20th May 2016, the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) held their 96th session at the IMO headquarters in London. Here is the summary of the key points that may be of interest for members: You need to login to view the rest of...

Events, Correspondence Groups and Working Groups

IMO document “MSC 96-23” contains the biennial status reports of the work programs (outputs) of the following Sub-Committees and the provisional agendas for their next sessions: You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please...

IMO circular on Carriage of Bauxite that may Liquefy

The IMO circular CCC.1/Circ.2 on Carriage of Bauxite that may Liquefy was issued on 20 Oct 2015. This urges ship Masters not to accept bauxite for carriage unless: • the moisture limit for the cargo to be loaded is certified as less than the...

Forthcoming Regulations

Introduction Following a request from members to receive an impact-assessment timetable of regulatory issues likely to have an impact on Bulk Carriers, the Secretariat has drawn up the following table to give members advance notification of known...