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Cyber Risks


Photo: Flickr/ Blogtrepreneur


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a resolution, ‘Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems (res MSC.428(98)’, in June 2017. An updated version of the IMO circular MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3/Rev.2 was issued on 7 June 2022, to provide high-level recommendations on maritime cyber risk management to safeguard shipping from current and emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities. It also includes functional elements that support effective cyber risk management appropriately addressed in the existing Safety Management Systems (SMS) of a shipping company.

INTERCARGO members are actively involved in supporting the implementation of this resolution, and regularly share experiences via the channels established by the Association to assist members in complying with the relevant IMO requirements in the area of cyber security.

INTERCARGO continues to be involved in the development of the Industry Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships, first published in 2016. Version 4 of the Guidelines was published in December 2020. The Industry Guidelines are designed to develop an understanding and awareness of key aspects of cyber security and cyber safety. IMO issued circular MSC.1/Circ.1639 on 14 June 2021 which drew the attention to the industry Guidelines, v.4 when addressing cyber risks on ships, in accordance with the objectives and functional requirements of the ISM Code, as encouraged by resolution MSC.428(98).
