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Life Saving


Lifeboat incidents

Lifeboat incidents occur most often during training and drills and involve not just the hooks, but also the entire lifeboat release and retrieval system (LRRS), including wires, gripes, and pennants. Identified causes of lifeboat incidents include:

  • lack of adequate training and knowledge;
  • unfamiliarity with equipment;
  • inadequate risk assessment and planning;
  • systems that are not yet modified in accordance with SOLAS Reg III/1.5;
  • systems with design issues;
  • incorrectly and poorly maintained systems;
  • communication problems;
  • complacency and failure to follow safety procedures.

Analysis of case studies shows that almost all of the incidents involved qualified seafarers. It is essential that lessons learned are passed on both to those serving at sea and to management ashore. It should ensure that appropriate onboard procedures and training are applied and followed.

The 10th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 10) was held from Monday, 04 to Friday, 08 March 2024.  SSE 10 prepared draft amendments to paragraph of the LSA Code, including the associated draft MSC resolution containing the relevant implementation provisions, with a view to finalization by SSE 11 in Feb 2025 for approval by MSC 110 in May 2025 and subsequent adoption by MSC 111. The following processes are in progress:

.1 finalize the draft amendments to the LSA Code;

.2 prepare consequential draft amendments to resolutions MSC.81(70) and MSC.402(96) and any other relevant instruments (e.g. MSC.1/Circ.1529, MSC.1/Circ.1578 and MSC.1/Circ.1630/Rev.2);

.3 draft definitions of “make” and “type”;

.4 continue to develop, validate and prioritize the list of issues for consistent implementation of the requirements contained in resolution MSC.402(96);

.5 start drafting the necessary functional requirements and expected performances.
