The 105th session of the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee took place from Wednesday 20th to Friday 29th April 2022. Below you can find INTERCARGO’s Briefs for these meetings. Topics covered include: You need to login to view the rest of the content...
Click here to download the Report as referred in the III 8/INF paper submitted by INTERCARGO. Contact for additional information. Documents...
The ninth session of the IMO’s SUB-COMMITTEE ON POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE (PPR 9) met between Monday 04 and Friday 08 April 2022. Topics discussed at PPR 9 included; You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login. Not a...
The Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 11) met virtually from Monday 14 to Friday 18 March 2022 .
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Dear Members of INTERCARGO, The International Maritime Organization (IMO) held an extraordinary session of its Council (C/ES.35) on 10 and 11 March to address the impacts on shipping and seafarers of the situation in the Black Sea and the Sea of...
The 36th session IMO’s Editorial and Technical Group (E&T 36) met virtually between the 7th and 11th March 2022.
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The eighth session of IMO’s Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 8) took place between Monday 28 February to Friday 04 March 2022.
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Update on 15 Feb 2022: Since 2017, Equasis (Electronic Quality Shipping Information System) has been receiving complaints in relation to incorrect numbers of ship detentions presented in the database. With an interim measure put in place Equasis has...
Update on 13 Feb 2022: MEPC.321(74) on 2019 Guidelines for port State control under MARPOL Annex VI chapter 3 was revoked by IMO Assembly resolution A. 1155(32) as adopted on 15 Dec 2021. On 28 Jan 2022, IMO published resolution A. 1155(32), as...
The eighth session of the IMO’s SUB-COMMITTEE ON SHIP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (SDC 8) took place between Monday 17 and Friday 21 January 2022. Below you will find the INTERCARGO Briefs for this meeting and topics covered include: You need to login...
Update on 13 Feb 2022: On 28 Jan, IMO published its Assembly resolution A. 1155(32) as adopted on 15 Dec 2021, containing a new version of the IMO Procedures for port State control, 2021, as attached for your reference. Resolution A. 1155(32)...