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Duplicate entries on databases of PSC systems

Update on 15 Feb 2022:

Since 2017, Equasis (Electronic Quality Shipping Information System) has been receiving complaints in relation to incorrect numbers of ship detentions presented in the database.

With an interim measure put in place Equasis has submitted the final proposal to the regional PSC regimes, promoting the final proposal and collecting data on the number of complaints received.

In the meantime, the interim measure has been developed and implemented so that two shared inspection results are displayed in Equasis together.

The Equasis Management Unit has also written to all those flag States who make double reports, asking them to support the final proposal during any discussions on this issue at the meetings of the regional PSC regimes of which they are members.

Equasis is monitoring the implications of double reporting of PSC inspections in data systems and assessing the impact of the interim measure while promoting the final proposal.

Feedback on incorrect numbers of ship detentions is invited.


Update on 16 Oct 2019:

During the INTERCARGO meetings in Athens on 4 Oct 2019, members supported the effort engaging Tokyo MOU systems.

It was reported in the news on 15 Oct 2019 that the PSC Committee of meeting Tokyo MOU accepted Panama as a Full Member of Tokyo MOU. Now Panama is a Full Member of both Tokyo MOU and the Viña del Mar Agreement (PSC regime of Latin American countries).

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